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MineYourMind - BevoTechPack Server
MineYourMind - BevoTechPack Server
BevoTechPack Modpack (BTP)
The BevoTechPack Modpack was one of the first modpacks out for the minecraft version 1.7.10 but this wasn't by far everything. By the same time it was one of the biggest and especially most stable packs. The pack is based around Technic mods on an easy level which makes progression fast and lets you focus on building instead of progression.
- Friendly, fair and helpful Staff (we expect a lot from our staff members and have set high requirements that you will feel)
- Advanced grief prevention (thanks to our custom build system we can deliver one of the best grief protections on modded servers without the need of banning the whole pack)
- No/low lag (thanks to our performance optimizations we have one of the best running servers)
- High end hardware (E3-1270v3 - 8 threads CPU - 32 Gig RAM - 1 TB bandwith -> per machine)
- Frequent backups (every 2-3 hours, in case something goes irreparable wrong restoring a partial or full backup is fast and only involves a short rollback)
- Few banned items (thanks to our advanced grief protections we only need to ban a few items that cause server/client crashes)
- Public showcase on the forums to show everyone what you are able to achieve
We MineYourMind are hosting modded minecraft servers since 2012 and got professional with our own box when the ftb ultimate pack got public, since than we have collected a lot of experience and developed our own solutions, plugins and mods to solve a lot of the problems modded minecraft brings with it.
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